
28 Nov

Injuries at the workplace can be a result of overexertion caused by lifting, pulling, or pushing objects. Overexertion is the spraining of a ligament, tendon or muscle when the amount of work attempted exceeds the limits of the body. Communicate your limits and get help if needed so the job can get done safely. Injuries are likely to occur when:
* Lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying, gripping and/or using tools
* Bending, twisting, reaching and/or kneeling
* Doing the same motion repeatedly without taking rest breaks
Here are a few good tips:
* Always get a good grip and hold firmly. Gloves majority of the time aid in grip strength
* Have good footing, a lot of your lifting power comes from your lower body
* Keep the load close to your body
* Lift smoothly, never suddenly jerk/twist/shake a load
* Push rather than pull a load when possible